Word Games - Lateral Thinking

These puzzles involve some novel way of thinking
or looking at the problem from an unexpected viewpoint. The term
'lateral thinking' was coined by Edward de Bono to denote a
problem-solving style that involves looking at the given
situation from unexpected angles. It is the sort of thinking
that computers cannot not do: creative and perceptual thinking.
These puzzles can be more easily solved by applying new
approaches and checking assumptions.
Example: Why do Chinese men eat more rice than Japanese men?
Solution: There are more Chinese men than Japanese men.
1. The Barrel
There is a barrel with no lid and some beer in it. "This barrel
is more than half full," said Chuck. "No it's not," say Joe.
"It's less than half full." Without any measuring implements and
without removing any beer from the barrel, how can they easily
determine who is correct?
2. Monday
A man rode into town on Monday. He stayed for three nights and
then left on Monday. How come?
3. Three switches outside a windowless room are
connected to three light bulbs inside the room. How can you
determine which switch is connected to which bulb if you are
only allowed to enter the room once?
More lateral thinking puzzles
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